Our community is involved in so many important projects and organizations. And, in keeping with who TSTI members are, much of the time things fly under the radar. Every now and then however the good works done by TSTI members gets seen by many. Thats the case here with this NYTimes article writeen by TSTI member Jennifer Weiss-Wolf and detailing the work of Emma and Quinn Joy… also TSTI members.



IMG_4374-0.PNGJennifer Weiss-Wolf JANUARY 28, 2015

A friend recently laughed about the time she was unloading the groceries and absent-mindedly put a box of tampons in the freezer, leading her pre-teen daughter to inquire whether they worked better when cold. We all have our stories – ranging from the funny to the mildly embarrassing to the mortifying – that revolve around menstrual mishaps and messes.

But for the more than 40 million women in this country living in poverty or on the brink of it – and for whom the cost of feminine hygiene products is yet another burden on an already stretched budget – periods are no joke. A year’s supply of tampons and pads costs upwards of $70 and is not covered by food stamps. For homeless women, the problem of lack of access to menstrual hygiene care is often compounded by “minimal access to safe sanitary spaces” like toilets and showers.

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