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Dear Friends,

As we find ourselves in the midst of the Hebrew month of Adar I, am reminded that for many years, Purim was relegated to being a holiday for children. (We’ve tried to change that with our Adult Purim Schpiel and are thrilled to be able to resume it in person this year.) In order to make the story more “age appropriate” we tend to sanitize the end, perhaps with good reason. For while the story ends with our community once again safe and secure, the Scroll of Esther is explicit that their safety and security came at a high cost after days of fighting and countless deaths.

I cannot help but think of this as we continue to see the reports coming out of Ukraine.
Like the Jews of Shushan, Ukrainians are facing a threat posed by someone who is willing to seek and maintain power no matter the cost.

Like the Jews of Shushan, Ukrainians are showing what true courage and bravery look like. Like the Jews of Shushan who were allowed to defend themselves but give no material support to do so, I cannot help but believe that Ukrainians are having to cope with the added burden of feeling that, despite some support from the international community, they are alone in this fight. And, like our ancestors, they know their future is in their hands.

The World Union for Progressive Judaism, the International umbrella of the Reform, Liberal, Progressive and Reconstructionist Movements, recently issued this statement:

Reform Jewish Leaders Denounce Russian Aggression in Ukraine 
February 24, 2022
Russian aggression is a threat to Ukraine’s democracy, its independence, and to a stable Europe and global community. We are deeply concerned about the potential for military action and the resulting loss of life spurred by Vladimir Putin’s seemingly insatiable desire to fulfill his vision of a new Russian empire. The fact that Ukraine’s fragile democracy could be subsumed by the kind of malevolent acquisitiveness common in Europe’s past is heartbreaking. We also know from history that in such circumstances, the Jewish community tends to be a target for particular violence, and we are fearful of such an outcome here as well.

We appreciate the ongoing efforts of President Biden, Vice President Harris, and other world leaders, including the strong statements from members of the UN Security Council, who are working to avert bloodshed and thwart Putin’s goals. And we will continue to support steps to strengthen Ukrainian democracy and secure the well-being of Ukraine’s Jewish community.

They followed up with an appeal for funds to aid individuals in Ukraine.

Ukraine Crisis Fund
In the light of the Russian attack on Ukraine, the World Union for Progressive Judaism launches the Ukraine Crisis Fund. We ask people from all over the world to make donations towards the support of the Ukrainian Jewish community.

Money will be spent on individuals and communities to ensure their safety and well-being. If the conflict escalates further, your money will become crucial and necessary help for many people. If the tension eases, the fund will be spent on the development of the progressive Jewish community in Ukraine.

כל ישראל ערבים זה בזה
Kol Yisrael Arevim Zeh Bazeh.
All of Israel Are Responsible for One Another

Thank you for your support.

Please click HERE to learn more.

The Purim story is a reminder that power must be coupled with ethics and values. When it is not, evil and hate can spread, and if left unchecked, cause untold pain and loss. In many ways, that story is playing out in real time and we pray for those who are fiercely defending their homeland.

If you have family members or friends in Ukraine please know we are thinking of you and are here to offer support. In the meantime, we will offer a special prayer for peace at services this evening. Whether you join for services or not, please take a few moments as the sun sets to think of those who are standing up to an autocrat who knows only power. It is an ancient story that is, sadly, once again, on display.

Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi Daniel Cohen