The Linda and Rudy Slucker Religious School is a vibrant, energetic place where students rely on their peers as well as teachers to help them see the wonder that is Judaism. The strength that comes from a group that learns, prays and supports one another is priceless and the effects are far-reaching.
Our students arrive each day ready to jump in with both feet and immerse themselves in growing and strengthening our community with their insights. We know that students learn best when they have on-going relationships with both their peers and teachers. We work diligently to provide many chances to build those connections among students, teachers, peers and our teen Madrichim (classroom aides). Our clergy is deeply connected to the students and faculty as integral members of our community of learners. Our students love to “hang out” with clergy, who are always accessible and open to probing questions from students of all ages.
Our curriculum is a balance of interactive, teacher directed and student driven activities and discussions that strives to connect students to Judaism through a variety of portals. We know that when students engage with material more frequently, the connection they form to the subject matter is stronger and more profound.
We encourage our students to question their connection to God, to each other and to the larger Jewish community, as well as their role in the secular world. We look at life through the lens of Jewish values so that our students can use those values to make difficult decisions as they journey through life. We hope to awaken in each student a love of Judaism that is joyful and meaningful, whether it be through history, culture, text study, music, art, nature, Israel or the Hebrew language.
Highlights of our Curriculum
My Family Story
Home and School project based on personal family history. This program is sponsored by ANU MUSEUM in Israel, which sponsors an international competition. Our families have found this to be a rewarding opportunity to share the history of their own family and examine how they fit into the global Jewish community.
Experiential Learning with an Israeli “Rishon/a”
A Rishon/a is an Israeli teen emissary who leaves and works in our community during a service year before they enter the army. Our students make lifelong connections and learn first hand about life as a young person in Israel.
Musical and visual artists who expand our learning beyond our own four walls join us every year, both in person and virtually, giving us a broad base of opportunities.
Camp-Style Programming
Every year we host staff from Jewish camps that share their expertise and camp-style Jewish programs that build on our curriculum, which varies from science based learning to Jewish environmentalism and everything in between.
At TSTI we are very proud of the personally tailored educational experience we are able to offer every child. Everyone takes from our community exactly what he or she needs. Our students feel respected, involved and have a voice in their learning.
We have the ability to customize our Hebrew program to meet the needs of every type of learner, as well as customize a B’nai Mitzvah experience where every child walks off the bima proud and feeling good about themselves.
We have a variety of learning opportunities, which take into account the learning styles of all students. We have an exceptionally devoted staff who have trained extensively to ensure that every child is nurtured and learns to the best of their ability.
When We Meet
Our K-6 students all meet on Sundays from 9am – 11:30am.
Our 3rd-6th grade students also attend on Tuesday afternoons from 4-6pm.
Our 7th Graders meet on Mondays from 4- 6pm.
How To Learn More About Our Dynamic Community
We would love to hear from you and answer any questions you may have. Please contact Director Mindy Schreff (phone 973 763-3793).
We look forward to welcoming you to our TSTI family!