Hebrew High School and Youth Programming

8-12th Grade COVID-19 Protocols

(Revised 9/12/22)

Only students who are fully vaccinated and have uploaded proof of full vaccination to the TSTI congregant portal will be allowed to attend school. 

Masks are highly encouraged but are optional for our students in 8th-12th grade except when gathered in large groups. Please make sure your student has a mask with them when they come to school in the event there is an activity that would require masking. A mask will be provided for anyone who forgets their own.

Any child, teacher or staff member showing any symptoms that may indicate a COVID-19 infection (fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea) may not return until the following criteria have been met:

Twenty-four hours being symptom-free without fever-reducing medication AND with a negative COVID-19 rapid test. A copy of the document stating the results should be emailed to the Religious School Director. A home Rapid test should be taken shortly before arrival at school. A photo with a timestamp can be sent to the Religious School Director via prior arrangements.


Isolate following a Covid-positive laboratory Rapid or PCR (not home-based) test for five days from the date of symptoms or date of laboratory test (whichever is first). Return to school is permitted only if fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medicines and symptoms have improved. Students/staff who are returning to school after Covid-positive isolation must remain masked, in an N-95 or equivalent, on days 6-10.


Return to school prior to the 5-day isolation  period if a physician establishes an approved alternative diagnosis. Parents must submit a return to school letter from their physician to the Religious School.

Assuming consistent compliance by all students, this plan will be revised as needed based on seasonal changes and shifts in local Covid metrics. We will be in touch as any updates arise.

The TSTI Covid Advisory Panel, which consists of educators, clergy, lay leaders, and medical experts representing a range of relevant specialties, reserves the right to reverse course on any policies, or to change them in any way needed to protect the health and safety of our students, congregants, staff, and clergy and are grateful for your cooperation in the matter.